So this is a horse I drew many moons ago, that got given the digital treatment.
It started out as a pen and ink drawing, which I then coloured in using pencil crayons (those really groovy ones that you can use with water by the nice but expensive folk at Daler-Rowney). Last year sometime I dropped in the background, which is a scan of some paper from Japan. I wish I could go there. Sigh. Anyways, added some digital texture, and voila!
So here is my Samurai. This is one of the few images I've coloured in by hand. Why? it is a LARGE mission. Especially if you like watercolours/ink. I find stretching the paper and waiting for it to dry too much of a test of my patience, to be honest. More than that, if you are on tight deadlines, the wait, and the chances you mess up, tend to make it more stressful than neccessary.
Anyways, the samurai was duly coloured and inked up, then dropped into Corel DRAW to add a Japanesey-looking flag, and then Photopaint to add textures and highlights.
Pantaloons... why did they ever go out of fashion?
So this is a little image I did at some point just after school. I used a series of calligraphic pens and some acrylic inks. So last year I dug it out and added some filters in CorelDraw to try and age it a bit, and knock the colours back.
So anyways, here are the first of my drawings. these were amongst my first attempts in digital art. Charon below, started out as a pen and ink drawing I made at some point in the distant past. Dropped it into Corel photopaint and added a few layers. And then a few more.
Baba frikkin' Yaga, what an awesome fairy tale, I wish I had come up with it. But I didn't. Balls. Anyway, this pic started off as a really quick pencil sketch, I think HB. Then into PhotPAINT. Added some texture from a piece of wood that had been virtually drilled to pieces by borers. And then some badly-scanned paper textures crudely cut out with the wand, ended up looking like rusty patches of blood. Seemed to work, so I kept it.
So... this is my first post, and I'm kind of finding myself at a loss for words here. Anyways, the idea of this blog is really to put up a portfolio of my stuff for y'all to check out, seeing as not everyone has equal access to flickr and facebook. From time to time I'll drop off some thoughts too, maybe some tips on digital art, maybe even a page that's not too incriminating from my diary.
Who knows?! Your wildest dreams could come true. Probably not though.